We believe it is time to evolve, and evolution means transforming into something new. Transforming habits that are too damaging for ourselves and the planet. To evolve our self-care behaviours and embrace new notions of mental, physical, and environmental awareness.

An evolution in the ways we consume so we can prioritize needs above desires.

An alteration in our relationship with ourselves and the world we live in.

It is by believing in the power to evolve and by having the will and commitment to do so, that we have created SUNND: a plant-based line of products designed to provide positive alternatives of relief.

SUNND originates as a natural response to the needs of the contemporary world and humanity. 

In a context where people are looking further and further for alternatives and products in which they can trust… we exist to give answers instead of raising questions. SUNND exists to care. 

 We exist because we care about you, our planet and a constant quest to discover new ways to unlock our best selves.